A Surprising Number of Jobs Qualify as “One-Hour Jobs”

Given all of the recent studies showing that the average attention span is on the decline, it is somewhat surprising that many employers still expect consistent productivity over the course of an eight- or 10-hour day. Many offices have installed measures to eradicate time-wasting activities, but perhaps these employers should simply work to make each job a “one-hour job.”

What many do not realize is that there are a number of professional opportunities that are, in reality, one-hour jobs. Dentistry is one example, as dentists and dental assistants typically work on patients in easily manageable blocks of 30 to 60 minutes.

The same can be said for educators like Adam Kutner. While the school day may seem long from an outsider’s perspective, each class is typically no longer than 60 minutes, with many concluding after 45 minutes. Each class is followed by a brief break, and then the lesson is repeated to the next set of students.

There are countless other examples, but employers seeking increased productivity should explore ways to break up the projects their employees work on into easily managed segments lasting no longer than one hour. Employers would also benefit from adopting a more creative and inviting atmosphere was well, as the traditional workspace may stifle productivity.

One Hour Wikis: A Excellent Hub For Articles

One Hour Wikis is a site that focuses on how to build quality wikis. For those not technically inclined, a wiki is a site that anyone can edit, one of the most notable examples being wikipedia. The site hosts articles ranging from a narrative on wikipedia, which discusses everything form computers to how to get a real estate guy, to a reminder about fitness. Also covered are such topics as job quality, hiring a model, musical productivity, and how not to take shortcuts when it comes to health. The site presents its content in a likable manner, with a clean and modern interface.

Raising Musical Productivity in Just One Hour


We live in a fast-paced world. Look around you, you will be devastated to learn that everything works in less than a couple of minutes and one hour is just too long to do just one task. If you ask what can be accomplished in just one hour, there are a whole bunch of things – from updating your Facebook status to learning guitar basics from Brandon Colker. Whoever said that you cannot learn music in an hour has not fully spent his time well. In just one hour, you could utilize the full potential of a computer tunes maker and learn a lot about music applications and how helpful they are in getting rid of the excess noise. One thing’s certain, the great thing about living in a fast-flying world is that technology raises its bars not only to productivity per se but to musical productivity as well.

Raising Musical Productivity in Just One Hour