Hiring A Model? Know The Rates Per Hour

If you were to break down how much a model earns in one hour’s time of giving their time to an agency, what would be your guess? $500? $300? Maybe more or less? You might be a little surprised as model payment greatly varies depending on your location, the agency as well as what kind of model you are or what you are modeling.

As with anything on the market, the greater in demand you are, the greater your salary can be and your agent will adjust this price flexibly for you as they feel. Your agent is going to earn as well and becomes of this they are going to be completely on your side. They will properly determine how much you can and should be earning for a job.

A runway model can earn about 20k per show and if you break it down further that’s roughly $200 hourly. Photograph UK models in London can score anywhere from $120 an hour or $1,823 a day.

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